Changing League
League Hotline
Hotline number: 630-598-0622
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Tiger Field - Aurora, IL.
Tiger Field - Aurora, IL.
There is a sign posted in both dugouts regarding the field prep and clean-up. If you are playing the Tigers, it is a complete misconception that the Tigers want to perform the prep and repair before, between and after every game. Please help them if you are the visiting team. If you are the home team, it is YOUR responsibility, not theirs. The ok to play will come from the field maintenance guy. If the field is wet at all, it is possible that you will not play, even if YOU think it playable. It is not the home team manager's call at Tiger Field whether you are going to play or not but, you still must arrive at the field 1 hour and 45 minutes ahead so that we can cancel the umpires and save you from paying the show-up fee. If you are playing a game against a team other than the Tigers, you should closely follow the rules posted in the dugout. Rake and fill the mound and home plate and water. The rakes, shovels and tampers are in the shed below the outdoor deck outside the Tiger Club.

Location Stats

Overall Stats:

AVG: .382
SLG: .461
Runs Per Game: 15.038
HRs Per Game: 0.112
ERA: 5.62
Home Runs: 9 in 80 games.
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